Accounts Payables
The Accounts Payables system supports both a
voucher control system and manual check processing
system. Process both Non-AP and AP vendor
invoices. Print checks on laser forms.
Cash management reports allow for cash flow
planning. Vendor invoices link to Purchase
Order received file for payment validation.
Extensive purchase order to AP vouchering control
Accounts Payable
Vendor Master Maintenance Form
- Vendor master screen displays pertinent
Vendor information, company name, address,
last check issued, account status, remit to
address, etc.
- Unlimited vendor entries (limited to disk
- Unlimited historical data (limited to disk
- Link master vendor record to user definable
ship to codes, ship via codes, GL
Disburse Account, buyer code, terms codes,
- Vendor code is nine alphanumeric characters.
- User definable AP aging periods.
- Open item query with drill down to invoice
- Historical analysis of voucher paid.
- Voucher processing system allows entry of
vendor invoice for payment at a later date.
- Non AP vouchers allow entry of vendor
invoices for immediate payment.
- Manual check processing for entering checks
written by hand.
- Quick check function allows one step entry
and check printing one check at a time.
- Voucher processing allows selection of
invoices due for a given date.
- Select invoices to pay that have discounts
due for payment.
- Select invoices to pay by range of vendors
or voucher numbers.
- Defer vouchers for payment at later time.
- Print checks on laser format.
- Void check processing for lost checks.
Voided check reopens voucher for
- Link to General Ledger.
- GL Batch posting have own batch Number
- End of period processing, optional.
- Open item status report.
- Payment history.
- Brief vendor lists.
- Master vendor lists.
- Vendor lists, select range of:
vendors. Sort by vendor name, vendor
- Vendor Labels.
- Accounts Payables aging. For range of
vendors. Sort by vendor code. Select due date
cutoff. Summery or detail.
- AP to GL Distribution Journal. List
checks paid section, Disbursement
section, AP section.
- Check register.
- Cash requirements report.
Accounts Payable
Vendor Status Form
Accounts Payable
Voucher Maintenance Form
Purchase Order to AP
Voucher Creation Form